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Flannel Diaries Reboot

#Covidtime Blog Reboot

Sometimes life happens and then a global pandemic hits and gives you lots more time on your hands to dedicate to a blog about your navel gazing life outtakes.

Why Flannel Diaries?

There is a long-running joke among my friends about my wardrobe entirely consist only plaid flannel long sleeve shirts. That's not true. It also consists of short-sleeve plaid shirts for the warmer spring and summer months. It is what it is, and I like what I like. Moreover, I look good in plaid. Butch lesbians are also known to be recognized in the wild by their flannel plaid shirts. Not everyone that wears flannel is a butch lesbian, it's a stereotype, more often than not every butch lesbian owns a flannel. There is a level of truth behind all stereotypes. Don't take my word for it. Look in their closet.

I've always had unique experiences when it comes to dating because I think I just have a unique way of looking at life. As I navigate my middle ages as an out single-gender-nonconforming cis-female butch presenting person. I've thought it was always a good idea to chronicle my adventures or misadventures more like it when it came to dating.

Thanks for reading and thank you for following me. You can follow us on our social media pages at Twitter and on Facebook. Cheers!


Let your plaid flannel freak flag fly!

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