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What Does It Mean to be Dapper?

I go to a barbershop to get my haircut. I usually have the same woman who cuts my hair. I go to this barbershop because they are experts in short hair and they also put a warm towel on my face after my haircut. If I grew a beard, I would have them old school straight razor shave me. Even though I don't have a beard, they always give me the warm towel. It feels awesome. However, the last time I got my haircut, I don't know, if she was having a bad day or what. But, I came out of the barbershop looking like Kim Jong-un. I don't remember telling her to give me the Dictator Haircut #12 (North Korean Dictator).

It's already bad enough that most people still call me sir, even after they have been told I'm a she. I have started to be okay with the fluidity that is gender. That being gender non-conforming will continue to confuse people even after they have been given information opposite of what they thought. I just don't want people to mistake me for a North Korean Dictator. Cause that's kind of a bad thing. Being a dictator. It's a tough world out there for a butch.


Here's a great article from Autostraddle on "Being Dandy About Being Dapper" from the folks that brought us dapperQ. It explains what it means to be a dapper butch. Don't take my word for it.

More help on what dapper duds the butch-about-town should wear in 2016:

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